How to render SVG with Blade components in Laravel
Categorized as Laravel
Laravel is a very flexible framework, and you can reutilize your Blade components when it comes to SVG rendering. You can use {{ $.attributes }}
in the component itself to pass custom attributes like (e.g., “class”). Just look at the following syntax:
<a href="#!"><x-svg.facebook class="w-5 h-5" /></a>
<a href="#!"><x-svg.twitter class="w-5 h-5" /></a>
<a href="#!"><x-svg.instagram class="w-5 h-5" /></a>
<a href="#!"><x-svg.linkedin class="w-5 h-5" /></a>
File structure:
Helpful tip
If you see the use of href="#!"
and have always used href="#"
or href="javascript:void(0)"
– that is a “hack”. With href="#!"
you are linking to the element with id="!"
and depending on the error recovery it will not scroll to anywhere when that element does not exist.
Via @ecrmnn.