How to update Github’s Personal Access Token on a local machine?

To update your Personal Access Token on a local machine, follow these steps: Now, update locally Replace the old token in your local machine with the new one. This will depend on how you are using the token. For example, if you are using it to authenticate with the GitHub API, you will need to […]

How to update dev dependencies in NPM?

If you have installed new Node.js packages and want to update your package.json file locally to these new versions, you have to install npm-check-updates package globally: Then you have to run this command: As a result, you will see the following screen (the list of packages is only for example): The final step is to […]

How to not to mess up with Git “master” branch

You always learn something new with Git. For example, you have made many changes to the codebase and suddenly realize that you’re working on a master branch. That seems odd. So, the decision is just as simple as this: This command creates a new branch and brings all of your local changes over.